Wednesday, July 8, 2009

My wonderful boyfriend :-)

The title of this post is my excuse for why I have not written a post in so long. Wisconsin was wonderful! I met all of Nick's Mom's side (btw she has six siblings and I met all of them!--well except one but that's bc he isn't invited to stuff) and we had a lot of relaxing time! We were at the cabin by the lake all week and people from the family came to us there. We played games and I read Harry Potter while Nick played with his iPhone. I also got to know his sisters and mom better and it was a wonderful experience. I really feel like I am better able to understand Nick by spending time with his family. And btw I love all of them. They always make me feel welcome and that would feel amazing at any time but especially right now it means a lot. It was a really great week all in all :-)

I came back home and I have pretty much been hanging out with Nick and trying to get things in order. I picked out my insurance plan and I'm going to go sign up for it tomorrow. I made a to do list for the rest of the summer that includes all the little projects I need to get done (scrapbook that needs to be finished, organizing my file folders, creating a budget, organizing the attics etc.). That made me feel better because as long as I stick to it I will be able to finish everything I want to before school starts.

For Nick and I's one year anniversary he got me tickets to any play or musical I wanted to go to. :-) (which btw, he could not have picked a better present) We were going to try to go to Wicked but it was sold out so we are going to see The Producers in Houston on Aug. 1. I am REALLY excited about this because I saw the movie and thought it was HILARIOUS! Plus I think it's something Nick will like.

Last week I went to the doctor because I thought I might have an ear infection but it turns out I have TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Syndrome). It has to do with my jaw and lower parts of my ears and is caused by grinding my teeth and clenching my jaw. This is of course due to stress. Luckily the doctor I went to is my mom's doctor so I didn't have to explain why I was stressed. She gave me some extra strength advil type pill to help if the pain continues (it still hurts--but not as bad so that's good :-)). Just as a side note to anyone that is worried, I have only taken it once. I am really trying to not get on any pills for sleeping or depression because I know they are addictive and I am trying more healthy ways such as working out (which helps my stress A LOT) and talking with people. For the sleep I try to pretty much not stop all day so that I can sleep at night. It works most of the time. :-) Back to about my TMJ, I also went to the dentist to get a mouth guard for when I sleep so that I stop grinding at night. Although, something I thought was kind of ironic: the mouth guard cost $800 (my parents don't have dental insurance)-- and that's supposed to help me with stress? ooooo the irony :-) I have also been having a lot of stomach problems (which has always happened when I am stressed). She said to take some Metamucil and I got some pink lemonade flavored kind today so hopefully that works. :-)

I got an iPhone!!! I was planning on buying one as a "hooray you have a job!" present with my first pay check but my parents bought Amanda one (the cheaper one) so I asked if they would buy me one (I got the 32GB) and she said they would pay for half! Hooray!! I am VERY excited to have one and am looking forward to using it when I am out... I guess I need to start going out more than ;-) Oh, and I am thinking about getting a lens now with my first pay check.. I am just to set on buying myself a nice present hehe.

I have been able to see my sped friends a good amount this summer and that makes me really happy. :-) We are planning a big trip in Sept. to go to League City (where three of us are) to hang out at the beach and talk about our first few weeks of being teachers!

I am really loving the time I am at in my life. Granted my mom being sick right now is not great. But I am at a place in my life where I really begin the rest of my life. How I decide to react to these situations, what I decide to do with my time is really, I think, how I will respond to situations the rest of my life. I am putting off a few things until after my first year of teacher. Just because this year will be very stressful with trying to figure out my classroom and things at home. But after that I really do want to take classes in photography and join clubs and things to make new friends (not that I don't absolutely LOVE my friends now!) and expand my knowledge of what I am good at. Every time I watch So You Think You Can Dance? I always think if I could have been a great dancer. My mom said I was really good when I was younger (we didn't have the money for me to continue). But I think that is something I would have been really good at, and maybe that would have helped me with crowds? But there is no use looking in the past, my plan for the future is to take dance classes. :-) I am hoping to find an adult dance studio around here to join a contemporary or pop dance classes. Nick said he would do dance classes with me too :-) (which I am CRAZY CRAZY excited about!!!!) so I will save ballroom and salsa and all of that for when he moves here (next May).

My plan is also to be better about calling my friends (and you can call too ;-)). Due to being out of town and Nick being here I feel like I haven't talked to them in a long time and I feel bad about that because I want to know what everyone is up too! So don't be shy and give me a call! :-)

My classroom stuff is coming together. I am going to call my principal soon to ask if I can go into my classroom a week before the new teachers start their seminars because I would love to have a few days to completely organize my classroom and get everything (as in where things go) before my paraprofessional gets there. A paraprofessional is my aid in my classroom. I will have one paraprofessional and I really hope they like me but they are going to have to deal with the fact that I am going to make them work hard for every penny they make. :-)

I talked with Amanda, my contact for the car accident I was in (the first one... the one that totaled my Explorer). And everything is starting to wrap up which is really good since I am going to be asking for quotes for car insurance soon. One thing she told me that I didn't know they did was that they are giving me $750 for the pain and suffering I have gone through! So I am pretty crazy about that. I am hoping Dad is going to be nice and let me keep it. :-) I know he is the one paying for insurance, but it's my back, head and knee that was hurt.. right? ;-) So I am thinking that money plus the couple hundred from my first pay check will be get me a VERY nice lens. Although I would have to do research for that. And I just don't know if I have time for that. If anything it will go very well in my savings account until I need/want it. :-)

Well I think that is a good amount of information of what I have been up to. :-) Sorry it's so long, but well it's me, do I ever keep it short? I REALLY hope you are doing well and please call me to chat if you want to hear more or just want to talk to me. :-) If you are reading this than I am sure you are one of the people I miss. Love yall!!!

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