Thursday, July 23, 2009

Journal Time

I have decided that I need to start a journal. Usually the blog would be enough to get out what I am thinking, but lately I have been having a lot of rough days and I don't really want to put all of that negative energy on my blog (or on my "readers"). I have been trying to find different ways to deal with my stress and depression. I have started doing acupuncture, I walk the dogs for an hour to an hour and a half a day, I try breathing exercises, I always keep myself busy but I am still not being able to control it as well as I would like (there in lies the problem... control). So I think I am going to start a journal. I found my old one that helped me get through Martin and I's break up so I think I will just continue with that one. It helped a lot last time so hopefully it will help again. :-)

Also, I am really starting to stress about teaching. I just had all of these things that I wanted to do beforehand to prepare myself better and I haven't done any of them (I started yesterday). I know that life gets in the way, it's just really hard for me to not give over 100% to something, and right now I feel like I haven't. I know that technically it hasn't started yet, but well, you know me, always want to be prepared. So it is full stem ahead!

On a happier note! I get to have a sleepover with Rachel this weekend and I am CRAZY excited about it! We haven't been able to hang out or even talk much in about a month so it will be great to catch up! :-)

ps HARRY POTTER WAS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)

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