Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Beginning of My Projects!

Well hello blog world. I have started some of my projects! I have started my 365 project (which can be seen on facebook... it would take to much work to put it on here.. especially when the three people that read this are also on facebook haha) but I do want to share my two favorites so far.

Mom went into the hospital this week. I absolutely love this picture because it caught a moment of laughter and love. These times are hard and I have to find the happy times. I also love that I am starting to understand my camera a little better. I still haven't been able to read my camera book but I have been playing with it more.

I took this at the hospital. To me this is love. Two old people, waiting for God know what, holding hands. Just being together.

Now to baking! In the next week or so I will have baked three cakes from The Cake Doctor! Once they are done I will post them on here and let you know how they went!

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