This is a little silly but last night I was thinking about teaching and then that spun off to my future children which then went to some things I would do differently and some I would not change that my parents did. One thing I would change is positive reinforcement. Due to my Dad's sugar tooth, whenever we did something good or something great happened we would get dessert or go out for ice cream or something like that. This has in turn made me do this. When I did well on a test or accomplished something I would want to congratulate myself with something sugary (most likely Shake's) and hence worth am struggling with my weight (or at least what I think I should weigh). So I would change positive reinforcement. I would have them be able to pick out what movie we watch or something like that. Something I would not change is the independence they gave me and having them repeatedly let me choose what I wanted in life, sometimes those decisions ended with me being hurt but that made me grow up, and I liked that. (well some of them haha)
Anyways, just a little tid bit I was thinking about last night and thought I would share. :-)
OH! I met the teacher I am replacing today (she is going to gen ed 3rd grade) and I am VERY excited! It is going to be a little terrifying seeing as you have to restrain a student a minimum of three times a day haha. (Restraint means that you pretty much hold a child down on the ground until they calm down.. of course they give us training but it's pretty much tackling them on the ground hahah.) I feel a little better knowing what I am getting into now. :-) Although, of course I am still terrified haha, but that's normal right??
Ok well this short post is turning into much longer than it was supposed to (go figure with me right?). I hope you are having a wonderful day!!
I feel the same way about positive reinforcement! I loooove giving out yummy treats but I know from experience how detrimental it is to make food a reward, so I've been trying to come up with other rewards for my future kids too. Picking out a movie is a great idea!